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A Secure Alternative to the Mac System Clipboard

Provides a secure way to copy and paste text, preventing any form of clipboard attack, and protecting your information security


Why Copi is needed?

  1. Defend against clipboard replacement attacks
  2. Prevent clipboard content leaks

Who needs it?

If you:

  1. Own digital currencies
  2. Often copy sensitive information
  3. Don't trust the system clipboard

How to use?

1. Action Bar mode

With the Action Bar enabled, when text is selected, quick buttons for secure copying and pasting will appear above the text. Click with the mouse to use the Copi clipboard for text operations. Long-press the text input field to show the paste option.

Quick action buttons for text

2. Shortcut mode

You can set dedicated shortcuts for secure copying and secure pasting. You can set dedicated shortcuts for secure copying and secure pasting

3. Override system copy/paste shortcuts

After overriding, all text copying and pasting is automatically performed through Copi's secure channels. After overriding, all text copying and pasting is automatically performed through Copi's secure channels


How is data security ensured?

Copi uses the system's custom "service" function to get and paste text, instead of going through the system clipboard. Therefore, traditional attacks on the "system clipboard" will all be ineffective.

How is data security ensured?

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I'm a full-time independent developer. I love coding and creating utility software. Copi will be my first officially released open-source Mac software and the second free Mac software.

Currently, my income is entirely from the clipboard manager CleanClip below. I often post its updates on Reddit, and it has been well-received by many friends.

If you enjoy my work, you can support me by 💰 purchasing CleanClip or ❤️ sponsoring the Copi open-source project.

CleanClip - Secure and Powerful Clipboard Manager (macOS app)
Possibly the cleanest clipboard manager on macOS!

🔵 Native macOS app, simple yet powerful
🔵 True minimalist UI
🔵 Three modes for various use cases
🔵 Main Window - Powerful content management
🔵 Quick Menu - Keyboard-centric operations
🔵 Paste Stack - Paste in sequence